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Google Sheets

To use the full possibilities of the Google product APIs (i.e. every single option that a developer has when connecting to the API), you can create your own functions by copying and pasting their cURL examples found here (with instructions here) into a Comnoco HTTP(S) / API Request block. This will give you an instant connector with a friendly interface that you can re-use and edit as you like.

We also have a pre-built file containing multiple functions for more common things that you can download and import into your workspace to save you from importing them yourself.

You can find pre-built function connectors here, containing functions to:

  • Copy a single sheet from a spreadsheet to another spreadsheet
  • Add rows or columns to a sheet (Appends values to a spreadsheet)
  • Remove values from cells (retaining formatting)
  • Get data from a sheet (returns one or more ranges of values from a spreadsheet)
  • Update values in cells (sets values in one or more ranges of a spreadsheet)