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This is a container for the e-mail metadata such as the preview and title text, the language tag, etc.



ParameterParameterValid BlocksRequired
BackgroundColorThe email background colour; defaults to nothingColour Block GroupNo
TitleTitle - used when generated output is viewed in a browserText Block GroupNo
PreviewPreview text shown in email client previewsText Block GroupNo
BreakpointBreakpoint used to switch to desktop viewUnit Value Block GroupNo
ISO Language CodeISO 3166-1 alpha-2 language code, helps screen readers accurately read your message by indicating the language used in your email (eg, en-US, fr-FR, es-ES)Text Block GroupNo
CssClassunit : string; description : class name, added to the root HTML element created; default value : n/a;Text Block GroupNo
WidthThe email's width; defaults to 600px;Unit Value Block GroupNo
Outlook, Force DesktopIf true, force Outlook to display the desktop version instead of the mobile versionBoolean Block GroupNo